What a great event! Wonderful company, good friends, lots of interesting conversation, delicious food, and it was a beautiful day. All made for a very entertaining exhibition.
I want to thank everyone who came to the show. The rooms were filled with warmth, enthusiasm and joy. It was a wonderful afternoon and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.
Many thanks to my dear friends who have supported me over the years and are at my events, they inspire me beyond words. I was very excited to meet, talk with, and share my work with so many new friends!
Special thanks to Michael and Susannah for making this show a reality. Incredible hosts, from the inspired suggestion to have the show, to creating a beautiful and perfect event. My worked has never looked better than it did in their home, they have exquisite taste and caring attention to every detail. I am grateful beyond words.
Many thanks to Joseph, my loving brother, who dropped everything to come in and setup the show and who is always everything I need. He is the the absolute best.